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One year of the VectorCheetahDB Basic plan.


VectorCheetahDB runs on top of mach3db, the world's fastest Database As a Service (DBaaS).


You need to buy a mach3db subscription at to use it.


VectorCheetahDB is a JSON REST API so no database libraries are required!


Here are some of the main features:


Create tables with vector columns and optional JSON metadata column.


Vector columns can specify required vector length or accept any arbitrary vector.


Add, modify, and delete rows at lightning speed!


Compare vectors by:

  •  L2 distance
  • (negative) inner product
  • cosine distance


Create HNSW and IVFFLAT indexes to speed up vector comparison operations.


Query a table by row id, ordered search, unordered search, or custom SQL search!


REST API Documentation:


Go to View and set Text Width to Wide for maximum legibility.


If you want to test out mach3db and VectorCheetahDB to get a feel for their extreme speed, please email to ask for a free test account.

VectorCheetahDB One Year Basic Plan

$500.00 Regular Price
$250.00Sale Price
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